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What is Teudat Maavar

February 9, 2024 1515 Time to read: 7 min.

This document is considered to be a travel certificate, which gives its holder opportunities to visit nearly 60 states of the world without special permission, named visa. Its full name in Hebrew is “Teudat Maavar bimkom darkon leumi”. Translated, it means “a travel document issued in lieu of a national passport.” In meduna-internal politics two English-language terms are in use: “provisional passport” and “travel document”. One can obtain a certificate if he or she has an internal Israeli passport.

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    Teudat Maavar

    The French combination of words “Laissez-Passer” stuck to the passport, although it refers to a one-time document that gives the right to cross the border. This term does not reflect the full range of powers that an identity card gives to a person. However, this name is often used.

    Until August 2017, the certificate was intended for those Israeli citizens who did not live in the country permanently. New immigrants can now receive both Teudat Maavar and Darkon.


    It should be born in mind that before obtaining a travel certificate, you need to acquire an internal passport of Israel, which is called Teudat-Zehut. An immigrant receives it as soon as he enters the territory of the country. Sometimes, you may be refused it. However, this is not the reason to lose hope. In such cases, the candidate for the citizenship can apply for clarification to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    To obtain a temporary travel document, a claimant applies personally to the Ministry. It determines whether a person falls into the number of people who can realistically apply for the second most popular identity card in Israel, or not. The documents collected to resolve the decision of issuing a travel certificate are carefully checked. The applicants should wait for the completion of the procedure of checking from 5 to 7 business days including the date of their acceptance.

    Employees of the visa department of the Ministry also choose the validity of the document, the conditions for obtaining and canceling it. Any decision of officials you can challenge in court if you confident in your rightness. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs has no claims against you, and you have correctly filled in all the columns in the papers, you will receive a passport and get an opportunity to travel about several tens of countries during 5 years. In case of incorrect information or mistakes, the passport may not be issued this time, and you will have to prepare for the future attempt.

    Eligibility for Teudat Maavar

    Israel provides its citizens with maximum opportunities for life, business, study, treatment, and movement around the world. In order to better meet the needs of citizens, Israel issues three identity cards: the internal passport “Teudat Zehut” and two foreign passports – “Darkon” and “Teudat Maavar”.

    The last two documents prove Israeli citizenship outside the country. With these documents in hand, citizens who are in the territory of another state can be assisted by the Israeli Embassy or Consulate. However, the Darkon is the main of the two documents. This is a full-fledged passport of the citizen, which gives you broad rights. In this sense, Teudat Ma’avar is inferior to him.

    Pros of Teudat Maavar

    Despite some limitations inherent in Teudat Maavar compared to Darkon, many Israelis and immigrants consider it to be helpful. They keep in mind that it has an important advantage which the main passport does not have. The owner of Teudat Maavar can spend his time of his life anywhere travelling from one country to another or doing business. Meanwhile, the Darkon obliges the owner to spend 75% of time in country.

    Even with some restrictions, citizens with a Provisional Passport enjoy a wide range of rights abroad. They can:

    • acquire any property, including real estate;
    • set up companies and run a business;
    • be treated in any of the countries where entry is allowed;
    • get an education at prestigious universities;
    • engage in charity.

    Living in a foreign country, the owner of Teudat Maavar can take part in cultural and sports competitions. Such opportunities, of course, are provided by the presence of Darkon’s main overseas ID.

    Cons of Teudat Maavar

    There are some disadvantages that limit the actions of Israelis with a temporary passport in their pocket when entering some countries. In particular, this applies to the United Kingdom. After leaving the European Union, it began to require Teudat Maavar holders to present visas to cross the border into the country.

    This trouble can be overcome if you have a passport of another state in your pocket, which is not subject to the ban on visa-free border crossing. There is another option: to make way to the UK through Ireland, where a visa is not required. The restriction on visa-free visits to Foggy Albion does not concern Darkon.

    Recall that the main foreign document allows an Israeli citizen to visit more than 160 countries without an official permission. This list for visa-free visits for Teudat Ma’avar is modest. The holder of this certificate can freely visit 59 states of the world. If you keep in mind that the person with Teudat Maavar has an opportunity to visit almost all European countries without a special permission, this is not a bad thing.

    There are drawbacks that both documents have in common. Paradoxically, it is not possible for an Israeli citizen to enter the USA without a visa. However, there is one pleasant fact that concerns relations with America: you can get an entry permit here for as long as 10 years. During this time, your ID card may have expired, but your U.S. visa will still be valid. Canada pursues an uncompromising access control policy. It also requires Israeli citizens to apply for visas, even if they have a Darkon.

    Visa free countries

    Different countries have their own rules for the duration of visa-free stay of Israeli citizens with a Teudat Ma’avar passport. Let’s take a look at all the cases:

    In the following countries, a passport holder can spend 90 days a year without a break:

    • Argentina;
    • Serbia;
    • Austria;
    • Ukraine;
    • Costa Rica;
    • Uruguay;
    • Denmark;
    • San Marino;
    • Grenada;
    • Hong Kong;

    • Paraguay;
    • Hungary;
    • Norway;
    • Cyprus;
    • Italy;
    • Honduras;
    • Colombia;
    • New Zealand;
    • Russia;
    • Sweden

    Up to 90 days of residence in the country without leaving the country or in installments within 6 months:

    • Albania;
    • Bermuda;
    • Spain;
    • Liechtenstein;
    • Czech Republic;
    • Moldova;
    • Switzerland;
    • Lithuania;
    • Finland;
    • Greece;
    • Poland;
    • Romania;
    • Netherlands;

    • France;
    • Estonia;
    • Malta;
    • Slovakia;
    • Latvia;
    • Andorra;
    • Luxembourg;
    • Croatia;
    • Nauru;
    • Bulgaria;
    • Portugal;
    • Slovenia

    Four weeks at any time of the year:

    • Bahamas;
    • Falkland Islands;
    • Germany

    Israeli citizens with Taudat Ma’avar can spend in Georgia without a visa for 360 days. In Ireland, the period of stay is determined by the country’s Migration Service. One can appear in Monaco without a visa only through Schengen Area states. An Israeli citizen with a Provisional Passport has the right to spend up to 30 days without a permit in Seychelles, St. Kitts and Singapore. The authorities of Fiji provide their territory for a visa-free stay of guests from Israel for four months. In Saint Lucia, the time limit is six weeks.

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