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Documents for obtaining Israeli citizenship

March 29, 2022 Updated May 28, 2024 935 Time to read: 2 min.

Any process of obtaining citizenship begins with the collection of certificates and documents confirming the possibility of carrying out this procedure. And the Israeli is not an exception in this regard.

Documents for obtaining Israeli citizenship

The more documents are prepared by the time of the consular reception, the better

Therefore, next we will tell you what documents are needed to obtain Israeli citizenship specifically for representatives of Jewish nationality, since the other option is much more complex and is often solved individually.

What documents are needed to obtain Israeli citizenship

The indicative list of documents for obtaining Israeli citizenship includes the following media:

  1. Color photos with a size of 3×4 cm.
  2. Passports – foreign and domestic.
  3. Certificates of birth, marriage of parents, birth of parents, marriage of grandparents, birth of grandparents.
  4. Documents related to labor, military, trade union, party, Komsomol and other spheres of activity.
  5. Documents about training.
  6. Documents and information about close relatives living in Israel.
  7. Completed application form for repatriation.

Moreover, it is necessary to find out exactly what documents are needed for registration of Israeli citizenship, based on the specific situation. After all, each case of recognition of belonging to the Jewish nation is often individual. However, this rule works well here: it is better to bring more, not fewer documents to the consular reception.

At the same time, practice shows that without professional recommendations it can be difficult to collect quickly and in the right amount all the necessary documents to obtain Israeli citizenship. In this case, we advise you to use our services. Our specialists will help you get an Israeli passport faster and easier.

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