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Misrad Hapnim — Ministry of Interior

September 13, 2024 Updated November 22, 2024 931 Time to read: 9 min. Comments: 2

Misrad Hapnim is the ministry of interior in Israel. Its main goal is to organize the work of a local government, construction projects now and planned, supervision in the objects, business licensing and many other things. Structural departments of the Ministry of Interior: Local Authorities Administration, Emergency Services Administration, Israel Elections Commissioner’s Office, Israel Elections Administration, Religious Communities Division.

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    What is Misrad Hapnim?

    The Israeli Interior Ministry (Misrad Hapnim) is the governmental organization that deals, for example, with immigration to Israel. Immigrants can make an application for teudat zehut (temporary or permanent identity card), darqon or other documents at the Interior Ministry’s Population Registration Authority of Israel. The ministry not only facilitates the processing of documents, but also facilitates the process of integration into Israeli society. For new immigrants, understanding its functions and structure can be a crucial factor in successful adaptation.

    The interior ministry also manages permanent residency status and issues visas for foreign workers, controls all local councils and because of this, it has the ability to manage the employment status of a vast number of workers.

    The field of work of the ministry covers the following branches:

    1. Establishing criteria for citizenship and permanent/temporary resident status of a country.
    2. Issuing entry and residence visas.
    3. Records of residents’ births and deaths, marriages, divorces, etc.
    4. Management of issuance of identity cards.
    5. Administration of local authorities, municipalities and supervision of local councils.
    6. Ensuring elections.
    7. Providing emergency services.
    8. Planning and supervision of construction.

    The Ministry of Interior also administers various programs aimed at helping new immigrants integrate into Israeli society. These programs provide support in finding shelter, employment, education and health services. In addition, the Ministry operates absorption centers that provide information and assistance to newcomers.

    The full list of functions performed by the Authority of Population and Migration may be found on the official website of the organization —

    Branch Locations and Contact Information

    Israel’s Ministry of the Interior is territorially and administratively divided into branches. Since most procedures in the Interior Ministry are based on orders prepared by the Israeli Minister of Interior, the system of filing petitions, reviewing applications and making decisions is stable and not subject to dynamic changes.

    The main office of the Ministry of Interior does not receive visitors. All questions related to the issues of repatriation, obtaining teudat zeut and darqon should be solved through branches (offices). Each office of the Department of Population and Immigration Services serves only residents of its region.

    Misrad Hapnim Tel Aviv

    The facility is located in the Menachem Begin 125, Tel Aviv-Jaffa,on the edge of Eliezer Kaplan street, near the Azrieli Sarona Tower. Nearest bus station is the government Complex Menahem Begin road.

    • Telephone number: 02-5354220;
    • Email adress:;

    Misrad Hapnim Herzliya

    This administration is located in the Bareket street, building number 11, 8th floor, next to the gym “Holmes Place”. The nearest bus station is Hertsliya Junction.

    • Telephone number: *3450
    • Fax: 02-646-9588 or 02-6469587

    Misrad Hapnim Kfar Saba

    Located at the 140 Weitzman street, near the Kfar Saba city hall and central synagogue. Closest bus stop is Weizmann or Rothschild.

    • Telephone number: *3450
    • Email adress:

    Misrad Hapnim Haifa

    • Telephone number: *3450
    • Email adress:

    Misrad Hapnim Jerusalem

    There are two interior offices in Jerusalem — Downtown Office and Har Homa Office.

    The first one address is 1 Shlomtzion HaMalka. It is located near the Ha-Shoter Square between Ha-Soreg Street and Jaffa street next to the french bakery. Email address: And the second one is located at 25 Eliyahu Koren Street, close to the bus stop to the bus stop “MinHaHar” and next to the pizza delivery company.

    Both of this places can be dialed using universal phone number for all the MIA’s departments: *3450. All the offices of the Directorate of Population and Immigration are closed on Wednesday mornings. Furthermore, all state offices are also closed in Erev Chag. Most of the interior departments are opened until 12 am, but the last number in the queue is given at 11:30.

    Immigration and Citizenship Services

    Misrad Hapnim implements the Legal Rights Law for New Immigrants, which protects their rights in Israel. This law guarantees new immigrants access to housing, employment, education and health services. It is important that immigrants are aware of their rights in order to maximize the opportunities available to improve their quality of life in a new country.

    The Population and Migration Authority consists of four units, one of which can be considered the most important for immigrants. This is the Population Directorate, which deals with:

    • Teudat zehut — It can be both temporary and permanent. It is one of the main means of identification, is issued once (at birth or immigration) and is usually memorized.
    • Lesse passe — It is a travel document similar to a passport, but with a limited number of countries. It is used for international travel and is not needed domestically. lesse-passé does not give the right to enter a number of countries (e.g. Canada).
    • Darkon — A passport for travel to a wide list of countries, not used directly within the country. Can be temporary. It looks like a blue book with a laurel branch, a seven-branched candlestick and the inscription State Of Israel.

    There is one queue for teudat zehut and another for darqon. You have to register in both at once. It is not always possible to obtain a lesse passe at the Israeli Ministry of Interior (some offices refuse and suggest that one must apply for a darqon in compliance with the relevant requirements). The record at the Ministry of Interior must be registered for each member of the family. It must be updated regularly at 7am. The MIA is gradually complicating the rules for obtaining darcons in order to minimize the number of people who come just for the sake of it.

    It is important to know that ID in Israel doesn’t have to be so private, as in America. Most locals share it freely and publicly, even online.

    Booking an appointment as MyVisit

    Services in these branches are available only by making an appointment. It can be done by calling a hotline or using the internet to register your visit beforehand. Visitors with Teudat Zehut can make an appointment even from abroad.

    MyVisit is an app that can be used to enroll in various cooperating government offices in Israel. MyVisit is most often used to enroll for a Teudat Zehut, Darkon or Lesse Passe.

    The application is beneficial at the stage of planning an appointment. It can help to find and reserve an appointment at the needed office (jerusalem, tel aviv, hafia, netanya, saba, piba, tikva e.t.c) in advance. According to the category, these can be banks, hospitals, ministries, offices, etc.

    MyVisit helps you save time by allowing you to schedule an appointment for a specific date and time, find the closest office to you and minimize waiting time. You don’t have to come to the offices in person, just submit an online form and you will have access to all services. To make an appointment using this app you need to:

    1. Visit the MyVisit website through any browser or download the app to your smartphone.
    2. Allow the app to use your location – this information is processed by the program to recognize where you are, then suggest the closest office to you.
    3. In the box, select the Israeli flag and enter the Israeli cell number.
    4. An SMS with a code will be sent to the specified phone number. You will need to enter it in the line that appears.
    5. Next, a list of all organizations to which you can take an electronic queue will open.Find the structure you need from the general list or the selected category (in this case the Ministry of Interior).
    6. The form will require you to enter your personal information: Teudat Zehut and telephone number.
    7. Next, choose the purpose of the visit.
    8. A list of all branches of this structure will be displayed to you. You can choose depending on the remoteness of our location. It does not matter which branch you sign up for – you can order documents where it is more convenient for you to get to.
    9. Then you should choose the service. In this case it is biometric documents.
    10. This will open a calendar where you can choose a convenient day for your visit. The nearest date for a visit is often possible in a few weeks or months. Dates that are available for appointment are marked with blue dots.
    11. Further you should click on the available time and proceed to check all the data in the final graph.
    12. After registering in the queue, you will receive a confirmation SMS on your cell phone. You can then click on the “Finish” button.

    It is important to note that some information in the app can be displayed in Hebrew. So to choose your options correctly you can use online translation services.


    What documents do I need?

    Check to ensure that you have all the necessary documents including passport, visa, birth certificate and any other documents required for applying for an ID.

    How can I make an appointment?

    By making a call to the universal hotline (*3450), in the official website or using an app – MyVisit.

    What to do if I don’t speak in Hebrew?

    If you are not fluent in Hebrew, consider either hiring an interpreter or utilizing the translation services offered at some branches.

    Where can I check my application progress?

    Using Misrad Hapnim’s appointment online services you can track the status of your application and receive notifications when additional action is needed.

    Israel’s Ministry of Interior (Misrad Hapnim) provides important support for new immigrants, facilitating their successful integration, full adaptation and integration into Israeli society. So by making an early visit and having your ID you can save some money and feel more secure.

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      Benjamin Rodriguez

      My name is: Benjamin Rodriguez Barros Jr.
      According to the bible, Israel, is the promise land, the holy land.
      According to scientific information, protein, benefits the human body.
      Jehovah is God
      Jesus is King
      Exodus 6: 2,3
      Psalms 83: 18
      Thank you.

      November 30 2024, 01:35
      Maya Laoshvili

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Benjamin. The Bible and the verses you mentioned highlight profound spiritual truths, and the connection to the land of Israel resonates deeply with many. It’s fascinating how faith and science can intersect in meaningful ways, like the recognition of the body’s needs and the wisdom inherent in creation)

      December 10 2024, 12:23
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