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Israeli citizenship without residency

March 23, 2022 Updated October 29, 2024 18566 Time to read: 7 min. Comments: 5

Israel is a popular destination for migrants. Everyone comes here searching for their happiness. Some are attracted by the high level of wages, others by the benefits and allowances that are provided to new repatriates. Immigrants like advanced medicine, a high standard of living, and the friendly attitude of the local population towards those arriving from other countries.

Recently, many prefer to obtain Israeli citizenship without mandatory residence in the country. How to get the status of an Israeli citizen and what benefits it gives – we will tell you in detail later.

How to get the Israeli citizenship without residency

Since its inception, the Israeli state has been striving to gather on its lands all the Jews living in other countries. The Law of Return stimulates the movement of persons of Jewish nationality from other countries. His main theses formed the basis of another act – the law “On Citizenship”.

Based on these two laws, every who can prove Jewish roots has the privilege of obtaining Israeli citizenship through the procedure of returning to his homeland, that is, repatriation. This term refers to the return of Jews to their historical homeland. This is the policy that the state has been implementing since its inception (1948).

Therefore, only persons who can prove their belonging to the Jewish nation can obtain citizenship without moving. Israel does not impose a requirement – to permanently reside in the country, after obtaining citizenship. Therefore, after receiving all documents confirming citizenship, if you wish, you can continue life where you are used to.

One of the main obstacles to obtaining Israeli citizenship without living in Israel is proof of one’s Jewishness. If you are having difficulty finding documents to confirm your belonging to the Jewish people or do not know where to start the repatriation process, seek professional advice and assistance from the WRAI.

Specialists will assess the correctness of the paperwork and selection, analyze the likelihood of passing an interview, and develop a detailed plan to find the missing documents. If necessary, the team will engage professional archivists in process.

Benefits of an Israeli passport in 2025

To obtain Israeli citizenship for a citizen of means to open access to all the rights enjoyed by the indigenous people. Many people are impressed by the fact that for this it is not necessary to move to Israel for permanent residence. This procedure is most often used by businessmen who, to expand their business, have to be in other states and travel freely around the world. Benefits of obtaining citizenship without residence:

  • The right to visit Israel during the year without restrictions. The ability to stay here for a long time or move permanently without additional paperwork;
  • Visa-free travel to 161 countries of the world via Darkon and 60 countries via Lesse Pass;
  • Access to state social guarantees, including medical care.

This is just a small part of the benefits of obtaining citizenship, more details about the pros and cons
To ensure that the procedure for obtaining Israeli citizenship is comfortable and does not take up much of your time, we advise you to contact the WRAI for support. So, you minimize the risk of receiving a refusal on the interview and become the owner of an Israeli passport in the shortest possible time.

The process of obtaining citizenship

To obtain citizenship, you must have official documents proving belonging to the Jewish nation. This requirement applies to all applicants, both those who want to move to Israel for permanent residence, and those who would like to get a passport without moving. The returnee must:

  1. Collect evidence base confirming Jewish origin.
  2. Sign up for a conversation with an employee of the Repatriation Department.
  3. Collect personal documents – a passport of a citizen or ID and a foreign passport, a birth certificate and, if available, a marriage / divorce certificate.
  4. Fill out a repatriate form and send a package of documents for verification to the Jewish Agency.
  5. Arrive at the appointed time at the Jewish Agency. This procedure requires the presence of all family members who have applied for Israeli citizenship.
  6. Pass an interview and get a positive decision.
  7. Apply for a repatriate visa and enter the territory of Israel to automatically become a citizen of the country.

Documents are provided for all family members who receive Israeli citizenship. This is the main list, but in fact additional papers may be required.

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    After receiving a positive response from the interview, a special visa is pasted into the passport of the repatriate, which must be used to enter the country within 6 months. As soon as a repatriate is in the country, he becomes an Israeli citizen and receives a repatriate certificate already at the airport.

    plain darkon

    If you decide to go through the procedure for obtaining Israeli citizenship on your own, we advise you to first check the completeness of the case from our team.

    We know exactly what papers may require during the interview and how they will be checked. Therefore, we will help you properly collect and execute documents, tell you how to behave correctly at an interview, how to find answers to the most tricky questions. We want to eliminate the risk of the refusal just because there is not enough paper in the completed case.

    Renewal of documents

    Who have obtained Israeli citizenship are concerned about whether they can lose their citizenship if they do not live on Israeli territory at all. We answer this question—an Israeli citizenship is assigned on a lifetime basis and cannot be withdrawn if a person has not moved to the country for permanent residence. The validity period of an Israeli passport for renewal depends on how long you live in the country.

    Do I need to renounce my native citizenship in favor of Israel?

    Having two citizenships is a double benefit. On the territory, a person is a citizen of the country; therefore he can enjoy all social rights. In Israel, he is an Israeli citizen, which opens up access to the state health insurance system, receiving social payments and benefits.

    Help and advice

    WRAI employs citizenship specialists with vast experience behind them. They can handle even the most difficult and challenging case. Our staff will not only take care of passing all the bureaucratic obstacles, but also prepare you (and all your family memebers) for an interview, check the completeness and correctness of the collected documents, tell you how to fill out a repatriate questionnaire and help you at all stages of obtaining citizenship from collecting documents to traveling to Israel.

    Can i get Israeli citizenship without moving to Israel?

    The following categories of foreigners can obtain Israeli citizenship without permanent residence in the country: persons who have documented Jewish roots; one of a married couple after the death of a spouse or wife of Jewish nationality who did not register a remarriage; citizens of other countries who were born in Israel before the recognition of its independence; children born in the Israeli state (if at least one of the parents is an Israeli); as well as children of Jews born outside the country.

    Israel does not impose a requirement to permanently reside in the country after obtaining citizenship. Therefore, after receiving all documents confirming citizenship, if you wish, you can continue life where you are used to.

    How to get Israeli passport in USA? In Europe?

    To obtain an Israeli passport in the United States, you need to contact the Jewish Agency in your place of residence. This can be done on your own or with the help of our repatriation agency. In the second case, you will significantly speed up the process, as you will be informed in advance what documents will be needed, as well as all problems will be sorted out if they arise.

    Before obtaining an Israeli passport, a repatriate will have to go a long way from collecting documents to passing an interview and traveling to Israel. Our experience shows that self-submission of documents without prior preparation mostly end in refusal. We recommend using the help of our professional specialists. Standard registration of a passport takes 2-3 months. With us you can take advantage of expedited processing, which takes up to 6 weeks.

    Do I have to move to Israel to get citizenship?

    Obtaining citizenship is possible even if the applicant is not in Israel, but lives in another country. It also does not matter whether he moves to live in Israel or not. In any situation, he will need to go through the confirmation of his roots, as well as talk on the interview.

    In general, in order to obtain citizenship of the country of Jews, it is necessary to perform a number of actions:

    • collect documents that will confirm the presence of Jewish roots;
    • register at the embassy for verification;
    • fill in the application form and prepare the required documents;
    • obtain permission from the Jewish Agency and a mark in the passport for entry into Israel;
    • issue an internal passport within six months after the visa was received.
    • The last stage involves a personal visit to the Israeli Interior Ministry for paperwork. You will also need to register with the health insurance fund, replace your driver’s license, open a bank account.
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      Derek Davis

      Please contact me regarding an application for Dual citizenship.
      I am currently an American Citizen living in Bloomfield Hills Michigan .
      I converted to over 20 years ago.
      I have the conversion documents signed by an Orthodox Rabbi

      October 13 2024, 21:52
      Maya Laoshvili

      Hello, Derek! Your request has been forwarded to our manager)

      October 14 2024, 10:37
      Alex Kuritnik

      Hello ! Could you please give me a call next week September 2or 3 anytime. Thank you

      August 31 2024, 01:15
      Maya Laoshvili

      Passed the information to our manager. You can always call us using the number on the website (or send an email)!

      September 05 2024, 16:44
      Michael Schleyer

      If possible, please send a WhatsApp message to arrange a consultation time.

      June 22 2024, 16:25
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