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Questionnaire for repatriation to Israel

March 30, 2022 420 Time to read: 5 min.

Everyone who has Jewish roots and who seeks to obtain visas for permanent residence in Israel is to undergo a consular check. At the same time, a lot depends on filling out the questionnaire. This process includes considerable peculiarities and nuances. Further assessment of aspirations, goals, opportunities, grounds for obtaining Israeli citizenship largely depends on this. This stage should be taken responsibly and seriously because, in fact, not everyone who wants to pass the consular check.

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    How does one fill out a repatriation application?

    You can successfully go through the repatriation procedure only if you clearly fulfill all the requirements. A completed questionnaire in accordance with all the rules, although it does not guarantee

    Israeli passport

    This questionnaire consists of 3 parts. The first must be filled by the head of the family, in our case, the one with Jewish roots. All other members of the family join him. Children under the age of 25 and unmarried must complete the last part of the application form. They apply for permission to issue a visa with their parents.

    The Consulting Center WRAI is a team of professionals that helps organize repatriation to Israel. We have been working in this direction for a long time and have an impeccable reputation. Call and make an appointment at a convenient time so that the specialist will advise you on all issues in the complex, suggest what nuances and pitfalls exist.

    When completing the application form:

    • enter the answer in the field that is strictly reserved for a specific question;
    • write in legible handwriting;
    • use blue or black ink;

    • the application form for a repatriate to Israel has to be filled;
    • it is mandatory to answer all questions of the questionnaire from 12 sheets.

    It is important to understand what role each answer plays in the questionnaire and that the decision to issue a visa for permanent residence at the embassy may be postponed due to several incorrect wording of the answers.

    Filling out the application for repatriation for consular check: Requesting a visa

    Citizens will not be surprised by the next survey because during their life they have to deal with more than one questionnaire of different volume and complexity. However, filling out a questionnaire for a consular check can be a decisive moment in a person’s life, a kind of pass to the Holy Land. Therefore, this should be taken seriously.

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      When entering information, the following should be considered:

      • Questionnaires must be answered as clearly, honestly, and frankly as possible. It will not be difficult for the consul to identify false data during the interview. Since the identification of false answers in the questionnaires threatens with refusal, you should not make a secret of the circumstances of your biography. Applicants who are found to be lying may not be able to re-apply for a Repatriate Visa.
      • Attitude towards religion. The Law on Citizenship refers to the fact that repatriation is prohibited for the descendants of Jews who voluntarily adopted a different religion, abandoning Judaism. And for those who are neutral to any religion or are atheists, such a ban is not extended. Consequently, a religious person often experiences difficulties during an interview. And it is much easier for a “nominal” member of any religion to apply for Israeli citizenship, since they do not technically identify themselves with a particular religious belief.

      Instructions for filling out the questionnaire “Request for a visa for repatriation”

      Design rules:

      • In the first part of the questionnaire, all fields must be filled in by a person with Jewish roots (the head of the family).
      • The spouse (husband) answers the questions of the second part and accordingly enters information with his own hand. Cannot be filled in by others.
      • The third is filled out independently by children from 17 years old. For children under 17, information is entered by the head of the family. It is endorsed by his signature, the authenticity of the data on the page is confirmed.
      • All personal information of a repatriate should be entered strictly from civil documents (passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas, etc.).
      • The fields of the document about parents must be filled in.

      Important point!

      All fields of the application form must be completed. It is forbidden to enter delusive information: it will be checked. It is recommended to fill in all the columns in detail, including those related to relatives, and also those living in other countries. Make sure to attach documents confirming the information provided in the application form.

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