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Education in Israel

September 5, 2023 Updated November 6, 2024 1699 Time to read: 12 min.

The Israeli education system is influenced by the fact that the country is a multicultural society. The accumulated experience has become an invaluable legacy, which is affected in the modern culture and education of the younger generation. It is based on the values of Jews, love for their native land, the principles of a citizen who honors freedom and tolerance. Education in Israel is standardized and supervised by the Ministry of Culture, which monitors the implementation of regulations at all levels.

Education system Israel

Historically, the education system in Israel has focused on helping the younger generation successfully integrate into the environment. It is due to the fact that representatives of different cultures live in the country of immigrants. The educational process is based on the use of modern techniques. Each educational institution gets the right to draw up a training plan. It consists of different modules, which corresponds to a certain stage of training.

It is customary to distinguish 5 main stages:

  • the preschool stage;
  • primary education in Israel (Hinuh Yesodi);
  • Hativa – secondary school;

  • Tikhon – teaching high school students;
  • higher education.

School education lasts 12 years. At first, children study in primary school for 6 years, before entering which each child attends kindergarten (from the age of 5, its attendance is considered mandatory). In middle and high school, training lasts for 3 years at each stage. When receiving special education in Israel, students can live in pnimia in a boarding school that belongs to a specific institution.

High school students can choose to study in two directions: preparing for a higher educational institution, or acquiring professional skills. At the request of boys and girls aged 15-18 years can get a profession in institutions with military specialization, schools with religious orientation, agricultural and technical colleges.

Due to the fact that the children of citizens of the country have the right to Israel free education, which is funded by the state, it is often not necessary to pay for school tuition. There are 5 types of schools that differ in their approach to learning and the choice of programs:

  1. State institutions – according to statistics, about 70% of the total number of children living in the country study there. It is unnecessary to pay tuition fees. Parents are responsible for purchasing school supplies, textbooks and sports uniforms.
  2. State-religious institutions. The training is free. The main programs recommended by the Ministry of Education are used, but there is a serious religious bias.
  3. Orthodox. The main focus is on the study of religion, general education subjects in the background.
  4. Institutions that teach art and modern technologies. They develop students’ creative abilities and research skills. The training is partially latent.
  5. Private schools – you have to pay for education. Innovative programs are being introduced as experiments.

When choosing a classical school education, a student attends school up to grade 12. In specialized institutions training lasts up to grade 14. This will allow you to achieve maximum immersion in your chosen specialty. A diploma from a professional college makes it possible to enter a university on special conditions. Most often, graduates of schools continue their studies, in which there was an emphasis on the study of natural and technical sciences.

Preschool Education

According to Israeli law, there is no long maternity leave for mothers who have a child. A woman has the right to receive social benefits, which are made by Bituah Leumi (an organization that deals with national insurance). The paid period is 3 months. Six months after the birth of the baby, his mother should go to work. During this period, her workplace will be retained.

There are several options for how to live on:

  • staying at home and taking care of the child without receiving help from the state;
  • to use the help of grandparents;
  • to hire a babysitter;
  • to give the baby to the nursery -garden.

Preschool education is represented by 4 levels:

  • nursery-kindergarten, where the staff takes care of children from 3 months to 3 years;
  • junior group (3-4 years old);
  • middle group (4-5 years old);
  • senior group (5-6 years old).

At the initial stage, kindergarten attendance is optional. Before entering the school, it is recommended to attend an extended day group to prepare for the educational process. In the state kindergarten, children are taught Hebrew. Private kindergartens often position themselves as bilingual. They provide classes in English and Hebrew. This facilitates the process of adaptation of children from repatriate families.

State children’s institutions work from 7-16 hours. However, many establishments have kaitan (extended day) groups. During long holidays, children’s camps are organized on the basis of institutions.

Primary education

Historically, in primary school in the Israeli education system, a child is taught from 6 to 12 years old. There is no system of rewards as grades. Elementary school students are not given homework. The program recommended by the Ministry of Education is quite easy. The main task of educators is to teach children to communicate with each other, instill a love of learning and unleash the creative potential of each individual.

The school program involves the study of several languages. Children in primary school learn English in addition to Hebrew. Thanks to this, the majority of citizens in the country are fluent in English. In addition, according to their preferences, students can choose to study Arabic or French. Private schools offer a wider choice. Studying at Arab schools in Israel involves learning Arabic as the main language.

Israel education system facts interesting for acquaintance:

According to statistics for 2020, on average, OECD Israel education assumes spending 5758 dollars per student in primary school. While in other OECD countries, the state spends an order of magnitude more – $7,126.

Secondary education

After the child turns 12, he becomes a high school student. The program becomes more complex and intense. Natural sciences and technical subjects appear. More serious requirements are imposed on those who study in secondary school. They do a lot of written work aimed at the development of thinking, personal qualities and creative abilities.

Lower secondary education

Starting from grade 7, in public schools students are divided into several groups according to academic performance and individual abilities. The training is conducted at different levels depending on the personal achievements of the students. It is not done to create a competitive spirit. The division into groups allows you to identify the laggards and help them pull up their knowledge to the recommended level.

Upper secondary education

From the age of 16-18 (grade 9-12), preparation for higher education in Israel begins. In Upper secondary school, students begin to learn physics, biology and chemistry. The division into groups is preserved. They teach subjects at different levels: from light to professional. Starting from the 11th grade, students are divided into three profiles: humanitarian, technical, scientific.

At the end of the 12th grade, students take exams that are approved by the Israeli Ministry of Education. After that, they are handed certificates that will need to be presented when entering universities.

Higher education

Every citizen who has reached the age of majority must pay for higher education in Israel. And it does not depend on the choice of educational institution or faculty. At the government level, it was decided that studying at the university should be a conscious choice. The student should not be guided by the opinion of parents or the public. Therefore, he must pay for his own education.

To do this, young people earn extra money in Cafes and hotel complexes, get a job at a construction site as auxiliary workers. Those who cannot save money to pay for full-time education have to choose distance learning. It costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

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    At universities, education is conducted according to a three-stage system:

    • bachelor’s degree (3-5 years);
    • master’s degree (2-3 years);
    • doctoral studies (2-5 years).

    The training is mainly conducted in Hebrew or students will be able to get an Arab education in Israel. In addition, some educational institutions provide programs in English. You need to find out about this before admission.

    Admission to higher education

    Admission to universities assumes that the applicant has completed 12 stages of schooling. For Israel international students it will be necessary to pass a mandatory additional education program of mechin. It is believed that this course compensates for the difference.

    For admission, you need to confirm your knowledge of Hebrew. The level of language proficiency should correspond to the mark B2. This is a serious exam that you need to prepare for.

    Programs in English are less common and are much more expensive. To pass the mechina, the applicant will need Hebrew without fail. Also, to obtain admission to the entrance exams, applicants undergo a psychometric test. It includes tasks in different directions: vocabulary, mathematical thinking and English.

    After that, applicants will have to take entrance exams.

    Israel university list

    Currently, there are 9 higher educational institutions in the country, within the walls of which research activities are actively conducted. As a result of completing the training courses, Israel students are awarded higher academic degrees. Council for higher education Israel regulates the activities of universities.

    Below you can find Israel university list and the city in which the educational institution is located:

    1. Technion Haifa.
    2. Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
    3. Bar-Ilan Ramat Gan University.
    4. Tel Aviv University – here you can get Tel Aviv education.
    5. Haifa University of Haifa.
    6. Ben-Gurion University of Beersheba.
    7. Ariel University Ariel.
    8. Reichmann Herzliya University.
    9. Open University – about 70 campuses across the country.

    Top engineering universities

    Three higher educational institutions of the country are among the top 100 in the world. Israel top engineering universities:

    Technion in Haifa is considered one of the best technical universities. There you can get in-depth knowledge of mathematics, computer science and engineering systems. You can enroll in university in Israel for international students on condition of mandatory completion of the preparatory course of Mechin at the institution.

    Weizmann Institute, which is located in the city of Rehovot, does not award a bachelor’s degree. The Institute assumes more in-depth training, so applicants must have bachelor’s or master’s degrees.

    Those wishing to obtain a diploma of a technical university of the state standard of Israel, which will be quoted all over the world, should pay attention to the Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba. Which faculties are popular: computer Science and Computer Science, engineering, natural sciences.

    University education

    Education USA Israel is very similar to each other. It is based on the system that is considered one of the youngest in the world. Higher education received in Israel is highly valued in the global labor market.

    Bachelor’s degree

    A bachelor’s degree can be obtained on the basis of a college, where they give special education in Israel, and at a university. Foreign applicants must complete a preparatory course of Mechin for admission to the entrance exams. Undergraduate studies last from 3 to 5 years.

    Master’s degree

    Master’s degree program corresponds to 2 years of study. The academic load is distributed evenly. Students study 6-7 hours a day. The educational program includes both full-time classes at the university, as well as independent preparation for exams and work on a selected project.


    After receiving a master’s degree, a student has the right to continue his studies at the university. She is working on a research project at a higher level. The duration of doctoral studies depends on the educational institution and can range from 3 to 6 years. After obtaining a PhD, a graduate student is eligible for a grant to work on a project without the right to parallel employment.

    Assessment systems

    In the process of studying at the University at the end of the winter and summer semesters, all students are required to pass a written exam on a specialized subject or defend an abstract. Unlike Russian universities, oral exams are practically not conducted there. Knowledge is evaluated according to a 100-point system, in which:

    • 100-95 – excellent;
    • 94-85 – five with minor flaws;

    • 84-75 – good;
    • 55 – satisfactory.

    If the student does not score 55 points, then he will be offered to retake the exam. Attendance is monitored at universities. If you miss more than 3 lectures, the student may not be allowed to take exams at the end of the semester. This means that the course will not be completed. It will need to be paid again to try to pass again.

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