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Israeli Law on Citizenship

March 30, 2022 517 Time to read: 6 min. Comments: 2

For the Israeli leadership, the main goal is to maintain a Jewish majority in the state. Their citizenship law protects the interests of the Jewish nation and its heritage.

What is the Israeli Law “On Citizenship”?

The Law “On Citizenship” of Israel, implemented on April 1, 1952, regulates the conditions for obtaining and terminating citizenship. And the “Law of Return” acts as a legal basis for granting the status of an Israeli citizen.

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    The right of blood, not territoriality, is the main mechanism for acquiring Israeli citizenship according to the legislation of the Promised Land. Citizens have the right to obtain Israeli passports and use them legally for various purposes, including travel. Such a document allows you to visit many countries without a visa, including hard-to-reach ones. The law “On Citizenship” of Israel determines the ways of acquiring citizenship.

    Obtaining citizenship through Repatriation

    Repatriation to Israel is regulated by the “Law of Return”, according to which all Jews who have received a visa for repatriation become Israelis. They are allowed to immigrate to the Promised Land. In addition, an additional section in a document to this law from 1970 gives the right to obtain a visa:

    • spouses and children of Jews, as well as spouses of children;
    • grandchildren of Jews and their wives or husbands.

    These categories of the population fall under this law.

    In 1999, the Israeli Supreme Court decided to prohibit immigration to the country for descendants of Jews who actively practice other religions, since this contradicts the provisions of the “Law of Return”. There is a clear distinction between this law, which allows Jews and their future generations to immigrate to Israel, and what the Law “On Citizenship” of Israel provides (citizenship based on a Certificate and Return). In other words, the law on the return of Jews and their future generations is only allowed to move to the lands of Abraham’s children for permanent residence, but it does not define the conditions of Israeli citizenship. However, at the same time, the Israeli State allows all immigrants to its territory to become its subjects through the “Law of Return”. Only the applicant’s desire is sufficient, although such moments are not explicitly specified in this law.

    The repatriation of all Jews to Israel is supported at the legislative level. The State is interested in and promotes their relocation to their historical homeland.

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      Citizenship by birth

      Children automatically receive Israeli citizenship, provided that one of the parents at the time of their birth was a citizen of this country, the place of birth does not matter. A child born abroad is entitled to become an Israeli citizen if his mother or father were her citizens upon birth. That is, the principle of blood law for those who were born outside Israel is not limited to one generation. However, in order for the grandchildren of Israeli citizens to obtain citizenship, it is necessary to notify the Israeli Embassy in the country in which you live time.


      The law “On Citizenship” of Israel provides for such a method as naturalization a “rooting in the country.” This process is quite complicated because in this case, the applicant for Israeli citizenship should be of interest to the state.

      Only foreigners who have reached the age of majority can acquire Israeli citizenship in this way. Under the conditions of naturalization, it is essential that a person has lived for at least 3 years in Israel. Moreover, the applicant must have the right to permanently reside there. Decisions on these applications are made by the Minister of Internal Affairs.

      In fact, the applicant for Israeli citizenship must confirm his belonging to Israeli society by his own way of life, have truthful evidence of that.

      The main thing:

      • fulfill all the mandatory conditions and issue the papers without errors;
      • to show interest in the life of the country, its religion, values, goals, aspirations.

      Citizenship by marriage

      Israelis, like people of many other countries, have the right to enter into marriage unions with whomever they want and live with their chosen ones on the territory of their country. Every year thousands of foreign wives and husbands of Israeli citizens are given Israeli citizenship, the main thing is that the marriage is officially registered.

      But it should be borne in mind that this way of acquiring citizenship is quite difficult and slow. It is necessary to go through several stages.

      The path is open if foreigners:

      • they really live with Israeli spouses and are ready to become citizens of the country of their chosen ones;
      • they meet all the requirements and fulfill all the conditions of the Israeli Interior Ministry.

      But it should be borne in mind that the process will take a lot of time. The application is submitted to the immigration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence of the Israeli spouse. Cases are opened after the presentation of the original documents of foreign spouses, which are issued in their country and certified by an apostille.

      At the same time, it is necessary to undergo an annual check and confirm the non-fictitiousness of the marriage.

      Assistance in obtaining Israeli citizenship

      The team of the WRAI is an expert in terms of immigration, citizenship, etc. Our specialists help people with Jewish roots in acquiring Israeli citizenship through:

      • accompanying at every stage of the procedure;
      • consulting;
      • helping to prepare for interviews with the consulate staff;
      • accelerating the process of obtaining citizenship;
      • helping to acquire Israeli citizenship in difficult situations, to avoid mistakes in the documentation.

      Take the first step together with the WRAI!

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      an Israeli citizenship specialist

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