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DNA blood test for Jewishness, analysis for Jewishness

March 28, 2022 Updated February 29, 2024 1047 Time to read: 7 min.

Jewish origins

Is it true that a test for Jewishness is the only way for people with Jewish blood in their veins to prove their nationality? Read below, under which circumstances one takes a DNA test for Jewishness and who provides advice on this matter.

What our DNA hides

At the first glance, all human-beings on the planet share the same DNA structure, the number of chromosomes and other genetic markers, so how can one prove origin by conducting a blood test for Jewishness?

Israeli scientists claim that the differences are hidden in the mitochondrial DNA, which is transmitted exceptionally from mother to daughter. The ancient Jews could not have known about the presence of such a tiny element in their structure, but, nevertheless, since ancient times, the nationality of this people is determined only by the maternal line.

According to numerous scientists, a DNA test for Jewishness thus may depict the presence of a certain percentage of the same mitochondrial cells that are peculiar for the descendants of Jews.

To confirm Jewishness, you need documents indicating nationality

The WRAI assists people with Jewish roots in acquisition of nationality. Are you certain that your relatives are Jews, but you do not have any supporting documents? Please contact us. The WRAI Center cooperates with the best archivists, who allow for efficient and rapid search of required documentation.

For obvious reasons, Israeli consular officials do not accept a DNA test for Jewishness as proof that a person is entitled to immigrate to Israel. Today, to confirm Jewishness, documents indicating this nationality are required. Why is there so much talk about Jewish DNA now, when people are massively striving to obtain citizenship of this country? Let’s examine this.

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    Who needs a test?

    In what cases an analysis for Jewishness is required:

    When a child is born out of wedlock to a Jew and a woman of a different nationality, or too much time has passed, according to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs, between the fact of childbirth and the conclusion of legal marriage. In order for the baby to receive citizenship, proof is required that he is really the child of this man. The entire process must be accompanied by an Israeli lawyer. However, you will not be required to fly personally to Israel only to submit the material. The test tubes will be sent to the Embassy of Israel, where you will need to come to deliver the material at an appointed time. Following that, the collected material is sent to a laboratory in Israel for a DNA test, its results are sent to an Israeli court, where the final verdict is issued.

    Are you sure that your maternal or paternal origins are Jewish, but you still have insufficient evidence? Contact the WRAI for help. We will help with the search for documents confirming Jewish roots.

    The DNA confirmation of Jewishness can also help those with little to no documentary evidence of relation to this nationality. But this is not quite a test for Jewishness, since in this case the DNA is compared in people who are related. For example, it is often necessary to take a DNA test to relatives when the father, through whom the Jewish line is traced, is no longer alive, his child is about to acquire Israeli nationality, and there are not enough documents. Then you can turn to aunts / uncles to confirm relation, and in this case, you can also use their documents.

    In other cases, conducting such tests is just a way of determining whether there is at least a small percentage of Jewish blood present, in order to begin examining your family tree and collecting documentary evidence of nationality.

    Are wou willing to make sure you belong to the Jewish people? Leave a request on the website of the Consulting Center WRAI. Our citizenship specialists will offer you options for resolving the issue of proof of Jewishness and will assist you in obtaining Israeli nationality.

    Proof or not?

    How do Israeli laws and the rabbinate look at such evidence? Naturally, while geneticists have not received support in favor of a DNA test at the legislative level, only results regarding paternity and the rights of the child to citizenship are considered. In other cases, the law adheres to traditional ways of confirming nationality. Nevertheless, Israeli geneticists and other scientists do not stop trying to get their discoveries in the field of mitochondrial DNA officially recognized.

    Why are they fighting the Israeli bureaucracy? This is due to the desire to restore justice for the Jews who died in the dungeons of German and Stalinist concentration camps. Their descendants live in USA, Europe, and in other countries of the CIS and the world, having abandoned all attempts of returning to their historical homeland, since the documents identifying them as Jews disappeared along with their dead relatives.

    To date, DNA tests are accepted at the Embassy only as an establishment of relation. Passing a background check will only help if you are uncertain in your Jewish roots and don’t know where to start. In this case, in the future, collecting a convincing evidence base will be required.

    The WRAI is an expert in acquiring Israeli citizenship. We conduct search for Jewish roots and supporting documents. Should you have all necessary papers on hand, conduct a preliminary check with us. Citizenship specialists will assess your chances of obtaining Israeli citizenship and provide professional advice.

    To do or not to do?

    Today, no one is surprised by the advertisements of laboratories in which they offer to take a DNA test for Jewishness. In order not to get in trouble with scammers (the test costs a considerable amount of money) and the legitimacy of such analyzes, it is better to seek advice from people with in-depth knowledge of Israeli laws.

    The WRAI deals with issues related to the immigration to Israel and their nationality acquisition. To simplify the collection and search of the necessary documents, as well as to consult regarding DNA testing, call or

    You will receive consulting support from us, you will be able to apply for Israeli citizenship and get Darkon. At the WRAI you can count on an individual approach and professional solutions.

    How to do a DNA test to confirm Jewishness?
    Conducting DNA testing is just a way to determine if there is at least a small part of Jewish blood in the blood to start studying your family tree more carefully.
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