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Universities in Israel

July 12, 2024 Updated July 31, 2024 155 Time to read: 13 min.

Being a country with a rich history and culture, the Israeli educational system soaked its diversity. All institutions are divided into four types: public – where native citizens are exempt from tuition fees; private – students have more opportunities and flexibility for annual payment; religious and Arab that are oriented on Jewish values and the Arab population of the country.

For international students universities offer a wide range of English-taught programs, but to get a master’s degree in some of them, you still have to learn Hebrew.

Top universities in Israel

According to the World Academic Rank, Israeli universities occupy positions in the top hundred of the list. Here are some of prestigious organizations that offer high-quality education:

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

David Ben-Gurion – the first Israeli Prime Minister believed that the future of the country depends on the Negev desert, which covers 60% of the country. This wasteland inspires scientists and researchers of this educational complex. The Institute for Desert Studies, experimental plantations and a laboratory for desert fish farming are just some of the areas where it is possible to develop. Huge variety of international programs expand this scientific community. Nowadays BGU was chosen by the government as the base for the cybersecurity center and analytical center of the Israel Defense Forces.

Weizmann Institute of Science

An educational establishment was named after the remarkable chemist and zionist Chaim Weizmann in 1950. It has gathered over 2000 scientists from all over the world. The development of new materials, biotechnology and nanotechnology have made medicine one of the university’s strengths. Research by the institution makes it clear rare genetic diseases,  explains astronomical phenomena and searches for the laws of the universe. Significant contributions of its scientists made them Nobel and Turing laureates.

The informal symbol of the institute is the Koffler particle accelerator, which is settled on campus territory. Since 2011, an astronomical observatory has been located on the roof of these 50-meter towers, and the building itself serves as a conference hall.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Since its formation in 1925, it has become a symbol of Jewish education and science. Aronson, the first rector of the university, defined the basic principles of this formation – striving for high scientific standards and international openness. Being the center of Jewish culture, much attention is paid to research Judaism, Hebrew and history. The preservation of traditions and ancient values is the main goal of the university. The faculties of Anthropology, Linguistics and Psychology have a high academic reputation in the world.

They are followed by the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. And the third place is occupied by the faculties of math, statistics and the study of informational systems. Here are just some of the top higher educational institutions in the country. And like in many other countries, colleges specialize in certain fields of knowledge, being more practical, unlike universities, which conduct scientific research and have a higher status in the academic community.

Programs in Israel for college students

College education takes four years. During this time, you will only be able to get a bachelor’s or master’s degree and will focus on practical and applied areas. Nevertheless, there are colleges that have gained worldwide recognition:

  • Oranim academic college is a private educational institution which offers the degree of teacher of preschool and school education. You can also get a master’s degree in education, art and music;
  • Tel Aviv – Jaffa Academic College. In this public establishment, you will become part of a large community that studies social sciences, technology, education, art, design and business;
  • The college of Law and Business provides bilingual programs that give you an opportunity to study in Hebrew and English, visit Harvard, Oxford and Law schools of New York during summer workshops.
  • Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem graduates qualified optometrists and specialists in vision sciences. Global academic experts will conduct seminars, online courses and lectures for you.

Undergraduate Programmes

Thousands of foreigners enter Israeli higher educational institutions every year. Prestige and quality of the programs at the faculties cover high costs of tuition.

The main goal of most applicants is a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Engineering. Math and Physics programs are proud of their research activities, and slightly less than half of all applicants choose Social Sciences and Law for the ease of admission and studying.

Depending on the direction, the duration of study is from three to five years:

— Social and natural sciences – 3,5 years;

— Technical and Engineering – 4,5 years;

— Medicine – 5 years.

Graduate and postgraduate programs

Israel’s graduate programs are aimed at independent work. Lectures are held once or twice a week, the rest of the time, student visits workshops, library, and optional lectures. Master’s degree programs are divided into two types: research and applied. Research-focused students work for a year on their dissertation. Text of this paper will form the basis of the postgraduate program. Thesis defense will give credits for further education.

Programs of applied specialties are full of practical classes, laboratory work and interesting projects. Studying at these lines provides further employment in partner companies, like Google, IBM, Yahoo! and many others. As for Doctorate degree, only 4% of students stay to study further. Half of them are Doctors of Philosophy and the others are Doctors of Medicine. They remain within the walls of the institution for another four years, get scholarships and they can conduct teaching activities.

Choosing the right university in Israel

If you have dreamed since childhood that you will help sick people, treat them, and take care of them, then the Medicine faculties of Israeli universities are waiting for you. College can give you the profession of nurse, but a Doctor degree you will get only after a long term of study. There are several establishments, that have medical faculties:

  1. Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Hadassah;
  2. University of Tel Aviv;
  3. Ben Gurion University of Negev;
  4. Bar Ilan University;
  5. Ariel University;

You can study for six years and go through one year of internship to get a doctor’s degree and profession. In addition, you can start studying abroad, and after three years, come to any medical faculty of Israeli university and complete your studies.

If you are a fan of «Star Track», build robots in a garage and understand the engine since you have been a five year old kid, than Technion welcomes you. The strongest programmes in Math, Computer Sciences and Engineering. Sports and cultural events are held weekly within a huge territory of the campus. The University encourages the acquisition of Master’s and Doctorate degrees by making their studies free of charge.

Factors to consider

Universities of Israel give you one of the highest quality of education in the world. In return you need to know and follow some rules:

  • tuition at Israeli universities is paid, and for international students is 25% more expensive. To pay less student should know Hebrew, otherwise the fee will be two times more;
  • unstable political situation, all students receive a safety briefing in case of enemy attack;

  • high requirements for admission – the applicant should get 6 points IELTS, 80% GPA, Hebrew – B1 level;
  • unfortunately, you can’t combine study and work with student visa;

Comparing universities and programs

University Location Bachelor’s programs Master’s programs Doctor’s programs
Technion Jaffa Engineering, Computer Sciences, Biotechnologies, Natural sciences, Math Medicine, Applied Sciences, Ecologic Research, Economics and Business management, Agriculture and Forestry and also extension of Bachelor’s programs Continuation of Master’s programs, Arts and Design
Ben-Gurion University in Negev Beersheba Liberal Arts, Agriculture Economics and Management, Art and Liberal Arts, IT, Agricultural and Forestry, Medicine, Engineering, Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences, Desert Studies, Natural Sciences, Management
Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv Management and Liberal Arts, Music Neurosciences, Law, Medicine, Disaster Management, Business Administration, Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Engeering, Ancient Israel Studies
Hebrew University Jerusalem Business Administration and Liberal Arts Jewish Studies, International Law and Human Rights, Chemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Water Sciences Brain Sciences, Bioengineering, Math

Admissions process for Israeli Universities

Suppose that your school years have come to an end, you have decided on your interests and goals, have chosen the right university and want to apply. Israel has special admission demands. In addition to the certificate, letters of recommendation and motivation, proof of solvency and a fervent desire to study at your chosen educational institution, you must comply with certain requirements.

Application requirements

  1. All applicants must complete the preparatory program «Foundation». This is eleven months of study to make up for the difference in school programs. If your language skills leave much to be desired, you can take a Hebrew course before the «Foundation».
  2. After this year, you must take a psychometric test. This exam will show your English skills, level of mathematical and logical thinking. With a score of 750, any university will open its doors to you. By the way, the maximum score for this test is 800.
  3. If you have completed one or two courses at an educational institution in your homeland, there is no need to pass a psychometric exam. You will only need to take the entrance exam.
  4. When submitting the certificate, attach a transcript of the grades to it. The Israeli system is one hundred points, for passing score is eighty. For English-language programs you need 6.5 score IELTS, or 80 points TOEFL. Hebrew programs need the Yael Test.

Campus life and student experience

Throughout the entire period of study, students are not allowed to get bored. Each university can offer many conveniences for living on campus. For example, the National Library of Israel where Albert Einstein bequeathed all his work, is located on Hebrew university campus. Technion city is a 300 hectares of land on the mountainside. It has banks, cafes, fitness clubs, clinics, markets and synagogue. Every Wednesday a fair is held on the streets of this town. The famous botanical garden is located on the vast territory of Tel Aviv University.

It contains a collection of plants from all climatic zones of Israel, and under this jungle locates the world’s only underground museum for the study of root systems. Also the campus has a museum for blind people. You are allowed to touch, sniff and taste the exhibits. The quality of a student’s future housing depends on the budget, usually it costs 4000$ per year. For this price you will get free internet, a nice kitchen and a room for three or five people with all furniture that is needed.

Funding and scholarships for studying in Israel

The price for studying at Israeli universities depends on the prestige of the institution, educational programs and the nationality of the student. The average tuition fee is 13 000-15 000$ per year. Medical faculties are the most expensive sphere of knowledge. You can pay up to 35 000$ for one year of study. To cover some of the expenses, students can expect Government and Non-government Financial support.

Academic performance and proficiency in Hebrew are the most valuable in getting a scholarship.

The higher the average score, the higher the reward, but there are a number of other ways to reduce high expenditure:

  1. A man of Jewish origin, who returned to his homeland is called a repatriate. Higher education is free for them, and they are also paid a government scholarship. This benefit is valid at all Israeli universities if the documents prove your origin.
  2. Part of the lottery company’s profit goes to the scholarship funds.«Mifal a pais» in return for 130 hours of volunteer work each year, gives 7 870 USD to the fellows who were selected on the basis of their financial and social status.
  3. Annually Google rewards girls who care about problems in the field of computer science. Anita Borg scholarship is $7 800 which is intended for women, who study at universities in the Middle East.
  4. Five students of the Medical Faculty of the Hebrew University can receive a $21 000 grand for study. The Commission evaluates the student’s academic performance and financial situation.
  5. Masters and Doctors of the Weizmann Institute get generous subsidies each month during the educational period. If the Doctor has a child, the scholarship may be increased by the decision of the commision.

Scholarships for international students

There are also plenty of options for international students to get subsidies. For example, the SELA-MIR program allows foreigners to prepare for admission. During ten months applicants study Hebrew, math and English, and get acquainted with the history and culture of this country. Also they get 52 USD per month. There is a Global Education program for Russian students, thanks to her, they can receive a scholarship up to $20 700 per year. This grant is available to Technion, Hebrew University or Tel Aviv University. But according to the terms of the contract, you need to return to Russia and work for three years in your specialty.
BGU and Technion offers long-term study loans to international students that have financial difficulties. 1500 USD will give you the dean’s office, which you can return without commission.

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