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Queues for Darkons in real time

July 3, 2023 Updated September 19, 2023 195 Time to read: 2 min.

The innovation is connected with the start of the project for the design of Darkons without an appointment, which will last until June 15th. Many people who wanted to get a new passport waited for hours for an appointment.

The essence of innovation

The problem was proposed to be solved in the following way: cameras with live broadcast on the Internet were installed in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. CCTV systems broadcasting to the network were installed in the four main Darkon processing centers. This was announced on Thursday, June 1st.

Now, before heading to the Interior Ministry office in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa or Beer Sheva, applicants can estimate the size of the queue by turning on the live broadcast on their smartphone from directly from the offices.

Where to watch the broadcast

This initiative is designed to improve the quality of service at distribution centers and provide more complete information to citizens. Israelis will be able to know in advance which branch is free and receive service without a long wait. You can watch the broadcast on the government website.

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