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Israel stay duration after Aliyah

September 27, 2024 154 Time to read: 7 min.

The Israeli government attracts to the country persons who have something to do with the Jewish nationality. For this purpose, a repatriation program was created, which is called Aliyah. Ideally, the government would like people who have taken Israeli citizenship, permanently live in the country. In fact, many new passport holders cannot suddenly drop everything and come to the country for permanent residence.

This begs the question: how long do you have to stay in Israel after making Aliyah? The answer is simple. A repatriate can leave the country immediately after obtaining citizenship, and he will not lose it. Citizenship must be renounced by the citizen himself.

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    However, leaving the country will not stay unnoticed by the authorities. The repatriate will lose certain benefits that he could enjoy while in Israel. You will learn about the nuances associated with the circumstances of passing Aliyah and the obligations that are imposed on new citizens (ole hadash), about the advantages of living in Israel, from this article.

    Residency requirements after making Aliyah

    The Israeli government conducts a flexible policy towards repatriates. It has found a convenient way to bind new fellow citizens to their homeland. The fact is that according to the law, a repatriate receives a passport for only one year at first. It is extended for five years only if the citizen spent the last year in the country. Thus, a citizen who left the country during this year will not be extended the validity of the passport.

    Benefits of staying in Israel after Aliyah

    We must pay tribute to the Israeli authorities for doing a lot to ensure that Jews spend a year with a temporary passport in the Israel. New immigrants enjoy benefits for the transportation of property, medical treatment, rental of premises and others. Naturally, these payments do not cover all the expenses of families. But the Jews are hardworking and resourceful people. During the year, they will find sources of decent income.

    Financial benefits for new Olim

    All new immigrants are entitled to receive cash benefits in order to gain a foothold in the country in the first year after arrival. This is the absorption basket (sal klita). Payments on it range from 19,829 to 46,513 shekels.

    The new Israelis receive this money in three stages.

    The first part is given to the repatriate at the airport. To receive the second part by transfer, the repatriate needs to open an account with a financial institution. There are several of them in Israel. The remaining money is also received in equal installments within six months.

    Different categories of new immigrants receive different amounts within the minimum and maximum amounts.

    • 46,513 shekels are claimed by a couple who are approaching retirement age.
    • If a repatriate of pre-retirement age is single, he will be given a little more than half of this amount – 24,482 shekels.
    • A married couple of pensioners can count on 31,317 shekels, and single pensioners – 20,821 shekels.
    • A single citizen will be given 19,829 shekels. An ordinary married couple will receive 37,802 shekels.

    According to the absorption basket, certain allowances are due to families with children. Money is paid in three age categories:up to 4 years old; after 4 to 18 years; from 18 to 21 years old. It should be borne in mind that these amounts do not remain fixed forever, but are indexed annually depending on the state of the country’s economy.

    In addition to the salklit, other financial payments are provided in Israel:

    Allowances (avtahat achnasa), which are paid depending on the subsistence minimum received by the repatriate. The amounts range from 1,524 to 3,531 shekels. Unlike the absorption basket, not all immigrants are entitled to these amounts. They must be issued in Minalia; The salaries of immigrants who receive less than the minimum during the first year are raised to the required amount by allowance (ashlamat achnasa).

    The amount of payments depends on the total income, the number of family members that are listed in the document teudat ole.

    Social and healthcare benefits

    In Israel, there is a tax on health care (mass briut), equal to 3.10%. For six months, new immigrants who have reached the age of 18 are exempt from this tax, but receive the right to free treatment.

    In case of illness, including pregnancy for a period above 13 weeks, temporary disability benefits (avtvhat kiyum le nitmahim) are provided for repatriates. To obtain them, you need to provide supporting documents to the Ministry of Aliyah. If the arguments are convincing, the amounts will be credited to the bank account. The amount of payments to repatriates under 55 years old varies from 1730 to 3,762 shekels.

    New Israelis can receive substantial income tax benefits (mas achnasa). On a progressive scale, rates in the country are set from 10 to 50%. The minimum bet can be reduced by deductions (nikudot zikui). The application of this provision may lead to such a paradox that the state will remain indebted to the repatriate.

    To receive deductions, you need to collect documents in the accounting department.

    Educational and employment support

    If a new citizen who has made Aliyah is studying at a course, the period of study is paid by the state. This manual is called dmey kiyum. Repatriates also receive state assistance when learning Hebrew. Additional support is provided to specialists with higher education who need to obtain a license to perform professional activities.

    How long do you have to stay in Israel after making Aliyah?

    In Israel, there are no restrictions for repatriates on the length of stay on its territory. But the system of benefits is established in such a way as to encourage citizens to stay in their historical homeland as long as possible, so that they become full-fledged patriots of the country. Some benefits are valid for up to six months, others for 12 months.

    Obtaining Israeli citizenship

    The procedure for obtaining Israeli citizenship is enviably simple. No country in the world, including the United States, can boast of such a prompt solution to the issue of granting citizenship. As soon as the repatriate and his family are at the main airport of the country, they are solemnly handed over citizenship documents.

    This does not mean that every visitor to the airport who wants to obtain an Israeli passport can get one. The solemn procedure for handing over the internal passport of the country is preceded by a long way to prepare documents. There are strict requirements for applicants for Israeli citizenship. A country passport cannot be obtained in the following cases:

    • forgery of documents;
    • rejection of a national religion or adoption of another religion;
    • remarriage of a widow or widower of Jewish origin with a foreigner;
    • lack of confirmation of Jewish roots;
    • a valid criminal record;
    • fictitious marriage.

    A candidate for Israeli citizenship can challenge cases of refusal to grant citizenship in the Supreme Court.

    Can an Israeli have dual citizenship? Yes, he can. But for this to happen, there must be an agreement between the two countries. In the absence of such a document, you can only have a second citizenship. If we talk about Russians with a Jewish passport, in Israel they are considered its citizens.

    If the immigrant does not live in big cities such as Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem, he can count on a reduction in the municipal tax rate (arnona). The amount of the discount depends on the degree of prestige of the area of residence. In this way, underdeveloped areas attract repatriates to their territories.


    Can I leave Israel temporarily after making Aliyah?

    After making Aliyah, no one forces you to permanently reside in Israel.

    What happens if I don’t meet the stay requirements?

    You can lose your citizenship because the first passport is only issued for 1 year. If you leave the country during that year, you will not get the next one passport for 5 years.

    How does travel affect my benefits as a new Oleh?

    In addition to the opportunity to obtain a permanent passport for the next 5 years, you will lose the benefits due to new citizens under the repatriation program. Let’s list at least the most important ones:

    • absorption basket;
    • tax benefits and deductions;
    • subsidies for the purchase of a car, real estate, rental housing, starting a business.

    In addition to these, the government of the Jewish state provides other support measures.

    I have a desire to live in Israel. Do I have the opportunity to do so without making aliyah?

    If you do not want to go through the repatriation process, you can apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for an A1 visa, which will give you the right to temporary residence. But we warn you that you will not be able to enjoy many benefits:

    • you will have to take out private health insurance:
    • six months after staying in the country you will pay Bituah Leumi;
    • you do not receive any of the benefits provided under the repatriation program.

    In addition to all this, the visa must be renewed every year. Remember, if you want to take aliyah later, you will lose benefits on it if you have lived in Israel for a total of 2 years out of 3 or 3 years out of the last 5. But on the other hand, you will not be called up to the army.

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