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Immigration from United Kingdom to Israel

August 17, 2023 1380 Time to read: 8 min. Comments: 2

Despite the high standard of living in England, there are many who want to change their country of residence. Most often, people want to move from UK for several reasons:

  • Severe tolerance of the local climate;
  • The cost of life. From groceries to housing;

  • Very high competition in the labor market;
  • Some areas are not safe.

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    Over 9 million people live in Israel. According to official census figures, about 2.5 million are immigrants. Since the formation of the state, more than 3 million native Jews have moved here.

    What attracts them all? It is possible that Israel is recognized as one of the most educated countries in the world. According to this indicator, it is second only to Canada, where 50% of the population have an education not lower than secondary specialized, in Israel – 45%.

    Foreigners are attracted by a high level of healthcare, here the coefficient is 73.29. In terms of the standard of living of the population, the Jewish state occupies the 32nd position among the 80 analyzed countries. There is a good climate, beautiful nature and three seas.

    Lots of people moving to israel from UK because of this reasons:

    • high wages;
    • high unemployment benefits, pensions;
    • the first years of life after obtaining a visa, repatriates are provided with numerous tax benefits;
    • the state helps to find a job;
    • developed social support;
    • advanced medicine;

    • there is a health insurance system, thanks to which treatment is practically free;
    • developed education system;
    • warm climate;
    • low crime rate;
    • democratic system of society;
    • peace-loving and tolerant mentality of Jewish society.

    Many people move to Israel to provide a guaranteed high level of education for their children. According to the repatriation programs, scientists from all over the world come to Israel, among others. They continue to conduct research and teach at universities. Communicating directly with the authors of scientific publications and important discoveries, students receive first-hand information about the news in the field that they have chosen for their future profession. They are trained in Israel and abroad, participate in international projects. The most successful students are attracted by research centers of international corporations (Microsoft, General Electric, Google, etc.).

    Another popular reason for moving to Israel is to get free high-quality medicine. Medicine in Israel is at a very high level and is famous throughout the world. It is believed that some of the most qualified doctors in the world work here, the most advanced medical methods and the most innovative medical equipment are used.

    For those who have never been to Israel, but dream of living there, we recommend that you first go to the country as a tourist. If you have definitely decided that Israel is right for you, let’s talk about the benefits of obtaining Israeli citizenship.

    1. This is forever – you can live or not live in the country, you can work or not work. And you can not be afraid of deportation from the country, because the allowed period of stay has ended.
    2. You will have a Darkon passport. Thanks to him, you can travel to 161 countries without a visa.
    3. You can count on a pension and other state payments (only in the case of permanent residence in Israel).
    4. Your children will receive Jewish citizenship.

    Moving to Israel from UK

    The right of every Jew to move to a country with immediate citizenship was first established by the Israeli Declaration of Independence, and then by the Law of Return. This prerogative is reserved for the Jews and their descendants, regardless of the “place of dispersion.”

    Lots of people are wondering how to make aliyah to Israel from UK. According to the Law of Return, aliyah is carried out on the basis of a repatriate visa. To get it, you need to meet the conditions, namely, to be a Jew or to have the appropriate roots.

    The easiest way to move to Israel is for migrants with Jewish roots. It is carried out under the repatriation program, which allows obtaining permanent residence and an Israeli passport in the shortest possible time. In this case, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

    • Choosing a repatriation program. In Israel, for those returning to their historical homeland, there are many programs for adapting – training, professional activities, etc. You can also move by yourself.
    • Collection and preparation of required documents.
    • Select a city or region to move.

    • Submission of a package of documents to the Israeli consulate in your country.
    • Passing an interview at the Israeli consulate in your country.
    • Booking air tickets and entry to Israel.
    • Obtaining a certificate of a repatriate.

    Aliyah to Israel from UK

    ​​The following citizens are eligible to apply for permanent residence in Israel:

    • Jews up to the third generation;
    • family members of repatriates;

    • spouse of an Israeli citizen;
    • of an Israeli citizen widow.

    To make an aliyah to Israel from UK you should start with a search for documents confirming the presence of Jewish ancestry.

    Evidence of Jewishness can be direct and indirect. We wrote about how to understand if you have Jewish nationality and how to find direct and indirect evidences of jewish roots here. You will also need additional evidence of Jewish roots.

    Israel immigration laws for UK citizens

    In addition to evidence of Jewish roots, you need to prepare the following documents:

    • original birth certificates of all family members;
    • documents of close relatives living in Israel;
    • apostilled certificate of no criminal record of all family members from 14 years old;

    • one 3×4 cm color photograph;
    • passports of other states;
    • foreign and general passports with a remaining validity period of at least six months.

    The next step will be a consular check. A consular check is an exciting step that raises a lot of questions, but you can prepare for it. At the meeting, the consul will ask many personal questions: what kind of connections do you and your Jewish relatives have, what are your motives for immigration, and how do you plan to live if you move to Israel.

    During the interview with each family member, the consul asks various questions about family life, profession, work, plans for life and work in Israel, clarifies what does not suit you in the country of origin, your attitude to Jewish culture, Judaism, etc.

    You need to go through this interview like any other: answer calmly, prepare for tricky questions, be honest and serious. If the interview with the consul is successful, then you will receive a repatriate visa directly at the embassy on the same day.

    Here is one important tip to keep in mind when you move. It will help you make adaptation quick and easy.

    You came here to live, not to rest. You will have time to see the sights, try goodies, take a walk, get comfortable and relax, after all, you now have a whole new life for this. Now you need to establish a normal course of life as soon as possible, namely, find housing, get a SIM card, a social security number, a bank account, get a language course, understand where shops, kindergartens, subways and everything else are located. constitutes the everyday life of an ordinary person.

    We recommend opening a bank account immediately upon arrival, enrolling in the health insurance fund (as Israeli clinics are called), and registering with the Ministry of Integration. Since repatriates can receive financial assistance for the first year, you need to remember to apply for it.

    How to make aliyah to Israel from UK?

    In order to make an aliyah, you must prove your Jewish roots or be a spouse at the time. You need to collect evidence and successfully pass the consular check.

    How to get Israeli citizenship from UK?

     Israel does not impose a requirement to permanently reside in the country after obtaining citizenship. Therefore, after receiving all documents confirming citizenship, if you wish, you can continue life where you are used to. To obtain citizenship, you must have official documents proving belonging to the Jewish nation. This requirement applies to all applicants, both those who want to move to Israel for permanent residence, and those who want to get a passport without moving.

    How to move belongings from UK to Israel?

     If you decide to stay in Israel for permanent residence, you can move with everything you need using air travel. After arriving in Israel, you will have a lot of social assistance for immigrants, so you do not have to transport all your belongings.

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      Barbara Johnson

      My daughter has lived in Israel for more than 25 years and is married, has one son serving in IDF and another son has just finished as a reservist and she has three more children. My husband is not Jewish but we have been married for 65 years. I cannot find a form to fill in to start the process of making aliyah. Please help.

      April 22 2024, 12:07
      Maya Laoshvili

      Hello, Barbara! Please fill out the form on our website, WRAI manager will contact you)

      April 23 2024, 16:46
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